Dotted Chestnut Performance Horse Bridle Set


When you’re ready to finesse your riding, Clinton’s Performance Horse Bridle Set will take your communication with your horse to the next level!

What makes this bridle set unique is our performance horse reins, which are made of the same tried-and-true yachting rope as Clinton’s mecate reins, but feature a thinner diameter to offer lighter contact and more precise cues. The performance horse reins attach to the bridle with the performance horse slobber straps, which are designed specifically to accommodate the reins’ smaller diameter.

The dotted chestnut set comes with a chestnut with antique dots headstall, a snaffle bit of your choice, a curb strap, performance horse slobber straps, and a set of black performance horse reins.

We recommend pairing our chestnut curb strap with this set for an unbeatable look.




Price: $354.00
NWC Price: $254.00

Chestnut With Antique Dots Headstall

107 in stock (can be backordered)

Sweet Iron Snaffle Bit

Leather Curb Straps

Performance Horse Slobber Straps

Performance Horse Loop Reins

272 in stock

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